We just wanted to let everyone know that we appreciate all the prayers that have gone up in our behalf. We have definitely felt the hand of the Lord as He has continued to open doors and make things happen. It’s amazing what He can and will do if we will just let Him. Letting Him is very hard for me! I keep trying to make things happen on my own! Please pray that I will stay out of the way and let Him lead us in His own way and in His own time.
We have finally settled on the name “Mountainview Church”. We also have a logo and a tag line and have someone working diligently on a website. Our target area will be along the Highway 280 corridor from Chelsea to Westover, focusing our attention on the Chelsea Park area, behind Chelsea Park and along the old 280 Highway and any other neighborhood we can find. We have a commitment on a meeting place but have not firmly decided on that as of yet.
We will be meeting with possible sponsor/partners over the next few weeks, so please pray for this as well. By the way, if your church would like to participate in this home mission, please have your pastor contact me. I would be more than happy to come by and explain what God has called us to do and what part you and your church can play. We need a wide variety of support including but not limited to: people, nursery equipment, sound systems, enclosed trailers, folding chairs, land, buildings, free labor and of course money!
I met with several of the other church planters this past Sunday and we enjoyed a very informative afternoon with Brother Steve Nerger from the NAMB. Steve is very knowledgeable and very experienced in the area of church planting. He was very helpful as well as a very good speaker. It was encouraging to me as I’m sure it was for everyone else.
We will be attending Basic Training for church planters over the next three or four weekends sponsored by the North American Mission Board. This will be a great help, I’m sure. We’re just taking it one step at a time and slowly but surely making progress according to His will. Please pray specifically for God to send some people our way that share our desire to reach the lost and that will form a strong God centered core group for this church plant. This is very important and this is the main reason we are writing to you at this time. Please pray for God to “Send the right people our way”! I know He will. Please keep us, as well as all the new church plants in your prayers.
Grady and Tricia