Thursday, May 24, 2007



I just wanted to let everyone know that things are moving right along. We’ve bought a used mobile home and have moved it to Chelsea. We’ve been working weekends trying to get it livable and hopefully in a month or so we’ll have a place to stay in the area. We’re still not sure where we will begin meeting. We have a couple of options, so pray this decision will become clearer as time nears. We have a very good prospect for a worship leader and several others interested in helping in various ministries. Please continue to pray for God to send people who share our vision.

I’d like to say a special thank you to Dr. Gillaspie and Hueytown Bible Church. Thank you for the birthday card and thank you for all the prayers and support you have given Tricia and I over the last several years. We miss you very much and will always remember the part you played in our lives and the foundation you have provided us with. We consider you to be a vital part of this mission.

I’d also like to thank Brother Leonard Irvin and Mt. Signal Baptist Church of Chelsea. Mt. Signal as you know is our mother church and has been a source of inspiration every step of the way. Brother Leonard has made arrangements to host a special revival meeting to be held in September with love offerings to be given to help with the start-up costs of Mountainview Church. Brother Kevin Hamm, pastor of Gardendale Baptist Church and several of his staff have agreed to come lead the meetings. We are so grateful to Brother Leonard and Brother Kevin for their assistance and support.

I have several specific prayer requests. Please join with us in praying for these simple yet important requests. They include the selling of our home in Pleasant Grove, a meeting place and the right time to begin meeting. Above all pray that God will bring together a group of people passionate in their desire to glorify God and to lead this church in the direction God would have it to go.

Thank you so much for your prayers and your continued support.

Pastor Grady Covin

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We will definitely continue to pray for you and your ministry your are starting. I look forward to seeing how God works in your lives and in those who come to know the Lord through the ministry you have started. Thank you for following Him!
You will always be special to me!
Stephanie and Casey