Hi everybody,
I just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We are truly a blessed people. God is so good and we are so undeserving. I know you all will join with us tomorrow as we say a very special “thank you” to God for His many, many wonderful blessings. I personally want to thank each of you for your dedication in praying for Mountainview Church this past year as well as your encouragement and financial support. We are seeing God move in a number of ways, placing special people in our paths and opening some critical doors.
We have finally, after many months of searching, found a location to begin meeting, at least temporarily. We will be leasing the band room at Chelsea Middle School on Highway 39 beginning the first of January. It’s in the vicinity of our target area and will be a great place to start. We praise God for opening this door of opportunity! Our target date for beginning services is Easter Sunday, 2008. We will begin meeting as a core group in January and hopefully have a couple of test runs prior to Easter. Please pray that God will gather together just the right mix of people to begin this work and that we as a group will be sensitive to the leadership and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Thanks again, God bless you all, and please pray for us daily.
Pastor Grady Covin
Mountainview Church
P.O. Box 364
Chelsea, Alabama 35043